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CES 2009 in Vegas: Coverage of the keynote from Robbie Bach and Steve Ballmer with Windows 7 Beta announced

Last night, Robbie Bach and Steve Ballmer delivered the keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show for 2009 in Las Vegas, as PC Magazine covered here.  Steve announced the Windows 7 beta (as reviewed here) as well as the latest release of Windows Live.  (And see this post from Michael Miller's blog WRT Ballmer's keynote.)

This is from Microsoft Press Pass

Microsoft Kicks Off 2009 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

Microsoft Kicks Off 2009 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), January 7, 2009 -- Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer delivered the pre-event keynote at International CES 2009, joined by Robbie Bach, President of the Entertainment and Devices Division. Hear how new technologies such as Windows 7 and Windows Live will help improve the way people interact with technology and deliver a connected experience across the PC, mobile phone, and Web.

It's reported that the Windows 7 Beta will be available from the Windows 7 website on Friday and is available now to MSDN (as noted here) and TechNet subscribers as noted here.

Tags: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Microsoft, Xbox 360, CES 2008, CES, travel tips.

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