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People's Choice Award: vote for T­e­a­m­ ­G­r­a­w­e­s­o­m­e­ ­f­r­o­m­ ­O­m­a­n

You can now vote for T­e­a­m­ ­G­r­a­w­e­s­o­m­e­ ­f­r­o­m­ ­O­m­a­n to win the People's Choice Award at Imagine Cup 2012 in Sydney, Australia!

How? Simply visit: and click the "VOTE!" button.

Team Grawesome developed ‘Blood it' which is a system that monitor the blood units in the blood bank, when it gets below a critical point or there is an emergency situation. A GPS system will allocate nearest donors of that blood group, and then the system automatically sends an SMS for them and waits for the confirmation. The system is used to supply the blood bank with the needed amount of blood at minimum time and maintain the adequate blood levels in the blood banks. If ‘Blood it’ sensed any emergency situation like: the Blood Bank reached a critical point with a swift demand of blood and there is no available donors nearby, it will locate other blood banks and hospitals in the same area or a nearby one to get the amount that can take it off the critical point. The System coming up with a model that helps decreasing the time needed to reach the donors as much as possible. This time is very critical in saving lives that on many critical situations every second is counted for those people.