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Vortrag - Advanced Computer Graphics using Accessible Tools (like Microsoft Excel)

Das Fachdidaktische Zentrum für Informatik an der Universität Wien und Microsoft Österreich

laden am 21.5.2007 um 16.15 Uhr im Hörsaal 31 (Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien, 1010, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1)

zum Vortrag

Advanced Computer Graphics using Accessible Tools

von Prof. Deane Arganbright ein!

Abstract: Well-designed interactive graphics greatly enhance the visualization, conceptualization, presentation, and teaching of diverse mathematical and computer science related concepts. This interactive presentation provides innovative and creative ways to use Microsoft Excel to design and implement effective interactive and animated graphic displays in a straightforward manner. Illustrative applications come from mathematics, mathematical modeling, numerical methods, computer science, the natural and social sciences, probability and statistics, environmental and population studies, culture and the creative arts, and many other fields. The presentation describes graphic implementation techniques and provides educational uses of a diverse range of fundamental and powerful spreadsheet tools, such as scroll bars, elementary macros, the data table, and solver and goal seek features.

Biography: Dr. Deane Arganbright is currently a guest professor at the University of Vienna. He is a pioneer in the use of spreadsheets in mathematics, with work beginning using VisiCalc in 1981. He interests and research include the use of computers – especially spreadsheets – in mathematics, mathematical modeling, and mathematics education. He has given invited talks at numerous international conferences, including two invited hour addresses at annual meetings of the Mathematical Association of America. He is the author or co-author of several books, including The Active Modeler: Mathematical Modeling with Microsoft Excel, written with Dr. Erich Neuwirth. He has used his work in teaching in universities in the United States, Austria, Australia, Korea, and Papua New Guinea. He has served as department head in three universities. During the last 2½ years, he was a visiting professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejeon. His PhD from the University of Washington is in the area of finite groups.

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Technorati tags: Arganbright, Excel, Computer Graphics, Advanced