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Marc Jacobs über "The Most Revolutionary Microsoft Technology You've Never Heard Of"

Auf seinem Blog "Serial to Parallel to Distributed" beschäftigt sich Marc Jacobs mit der im Microsoft Robotics Studio mitgelieferten Anwendungsarchitektur und beschreibt in seinem Posting "The Most Revolutionary Microsoft Technology You've Never Heard Of" warum diese Technologien auch für andere Verteilte Applikationen mehr als eine Überlegung wert sind.

“Nope, it’s not from Microsoft Research. It doesn’t hail from Cambridge or Mountainview, nor is it some underbelly technology in Microsoft Vista that only Mark Russinovich and the responsible SDE is aware of. Rather, it’s a new service-oriented application model built on two overlapping technologies: Decentralized Software Services (DSS) and the Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR). It is currently shipping as part of the Microsoft Robotics Studio (more on that later) and is poised to disrupt the way we think about the Windows Communication Framework (WCF) and the way we design, architect, and implement distributed applications. It is a work of genius.”
Das ganze Posting...


Technorati tags: Service Oriented, SOA, Architektur, Microsoft Robotics Studio, Concurrency, Distributed Application