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Imagine Cup 2007 Embedded Development Invitational


Sign up today for the

Imagine Cup 2007

Embedded Development Invitational

Here’s your chance to use the power of technology to change the world and have some fun while you’re at it.

Devices are becoming smaller, more portable and are having a greater impact on our everyday lives. Formerly the Windows Embedded Student ChallengE, this competition challenges teams of three-four students, with a faculty mentor, to go beyond the desktop, challenge their creativity, and to build a complete hardware and software solution using Windows Embedded CE and the hardware provided. Students will compete against competitors from around the world while showing the world their potential.

Imagine Cup contestants have the chance to give their ideas exposure, make critical contacts, and feel a true sense of friendship with people around the world. Students that make it to the worldwide finals will get an all-expense paid trip to Seoul, Korea and the shot at some great cash prizes.

What does education mean to you?

The theme of this year’s Imagine Cup, Imagine a world where technology enables a better education for all, invites students to take on the challenge of using technology to improve education around the world and make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. For some this may mean ensuring equal access to education around the world. For others it may mean the next great breakthrough in science, medicine or even art.

Sign up now!

Don’t lose out on the opportunity to have an impact on this world by turning your ideas into reality. Registration closes and the first interim report is due on February 22nd so sign up today to be part of the Imagine Cup 2007 Embedded Development Invitational.

Step up to the Challenge!

Register today!

Technorati tags: Imagine Cup, Embedded Development, Windows CE, Wettbewerb

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