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Announcing the Microsoft 2008 Microsoft eScience Workshop

Accelerating Time to Discovery

December 7-9, 2008

University Place Conference Center and Hotel
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

The use of computers in scientific research creates challenges even as it expands the realm of the possible. Many of these challenges are common across research disciplines and areas of endeavor.  Insights gained in one area of science can act as a catalyst for change and accelerate discovery in many others.

The goal of this cross-disciplinary workshop is to bring together scientists from diverse research disciplines and give them the opportunity to share their research and their experiences of how computing is shaping their work -- and thus providing new insights into facilitating scientific discovery. The focus will be on discussion of the computing technologies that enable scalable solutions that address scientific grand challenges.  The event is being held in conjunction with the Fourth Annual IEEE eScience Conference.

Primary support for the workshop comes from the External Research group at Microsoft Research, headed by Corporate Vice President Tony Hey

The Program Committee:

Geoffery Fox, Director of the Community Grids Laboratory of the Pervasive Technology Laboratories at Indiana University

Dennis Gannon, Director of the Indiana Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University (

Kristin Tolle, Senior Research Program Manager for Biomedical Computing, External Research, Microsoft Research (

The 2008 Microsoft eScience Workshop invites contributions from all areas of eScience and e-Research including:

  • Computational enablement of scientific research in life sciences, biomedical computing, environment, energy, and other areas of scientific grand challenges
  • Knowledge discovery and merging datasets
  • Large-scale science data analysis, mining, and visualization
  • High-performance computing in science
  • Dissemination of scientific literature/results, the curation of data, and the finding/sharing of research
  • Scientific sensors and data-gathering tools and technologies
  • Collaboration and workflow tools and technologies

Registration will open soon, and 1-2 page position papers will be solicited as part of the registration process.

The deadline for position paper submission is July 31th, 2008.

All applicants will be notified of the status of their papers in September 2008; those not selected for verbal presentation may be presented as posters.

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