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Northwest Cadence Presents: Speaking the Language of Lean: Principles for Enterprise Agility

Date and Location: July 30th| Webcast

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Presenter: Northwest Cadence: Cheryl Hammond

If you really want leadership to quit micro-managing so their teams can self-organize, start acting like it. Get them – and yourself – out of the weeds and the minutiae of your teams’ methodology by communicating at the level and in the language they should care about. Lean principles are relatively new in software development, but they’ve been around in general management for literally decades. If you’ve struggled to sell your organization on “backlogs” and “vertical slices”, this session will help you translate into terms and economic models that non-technical managers can easily appreciate. We’ll discuss U-shaped decisions, batch sizing, queue management, and most importantly overall simplicity, backed by real-world examples. Finally, we’ll talk about what “but when’s it going to be done?” really means and how to answer it without sacrificing agility or quality.

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