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What's happening at Embedded Systems West ? (April 14-17, San Jose)

Embedded Systems West is coming up, there's just a month to the event! - We're doing a number of things at the event.

First, there's the Industry Address on April 16th 3:45pm-4:45pm being given by Kevin Dallas (General Manager, Windows Embedded Business, Microsoft), and your favorite embedded Demo Monkey

Here's the abstract for the industry address.

The embedded industry is one of the fastest growing markets. This growth is being driven by an explosion of embedded devices that have advanced computing capabilities and are IP Connected. These “Smart, Connected” devices are creating new business models and growth opportunities for OEMs, Enterprises and Service providers. Embedded devices of the near-future will evolve to both accept services as well as expose the data they contain as a service, these next generation devices will spur even more growth and open up new opportunities. Come hear what Windows Embedded is doing to lead the industry through these changes and how you can benefit from the opportunity.

There's also breakout sessions and hands on labs running at the event to get you up to speed with Windows Embedded O/S and application development.

Here's a listing of the labs:

• Build a Windows XP Embedded Image with a Custom Shell
• Build your first .NET Micro Framework application in 60 minutes
• Build your first Windows Embedded CE Device using Platform Builder
• End to End Componentization of an Application for Windows XP Embedded
• Experience the Difference in Windows XP Embedded Image Difference Engine
• Locking Down Windows XP Embedded and Windows Embedded Point of Service
• Understand File Based Write Filter in Windows XP Embedded
• Using Windows XP Embedded Command Line Tool to Script and Automate Your Embedded Build Processes
• Windows Embedded CE 6.0 OEM Performance Lab
• Windows Embedded CE CeDebugX: A tool for diagnosing hangs, crashes, deadlocks, and other nasty bugs
• Writing managed code applications for Windows Embedded CE 6.0
• Writing native code applications for Windows Embedded CE 6.0

More information about the sessions/labs are available here.

- Mike
