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Microsoft Robotics Studio Video Tutorials and Newsgroups.

Robots are cool and interesting, whether it's the cute Sony Aibo, educational robots based on Lego NXT or industrial robots like the Kuka Robocoaster - with the introduction of Microsoft Robotics Studio you now have the ability to quickly and easily develop code that can control robots either in a simulation environment (with a full physics engine!) or real robots (such as the Lego NXT).

But how to get started ? - Easy, there are a number of video tutorials now posted to the Microsoft Robotics site - here's a list of the tutorials (there are also a series of tutorials that ship with Robotics Studio).

  • Architecture Overview
  • Visual Programming Language (VPL) 1
  • Visual Programming Language (VPL) 2
  • Microsoft Robotics Studio- Simulation
  • Microsoft Robotics Studio- Robotics Tutorials
  • Microsoft Robotics Studio- Services Tutorials
  • Microsoft Robotics Studio- Controlling Simulated Robots Using VB.NET
  • Microsoft Robotics Studio- Controlling Simulated Robots Using Iron Python

If you have any questions about developing using Microsoft Robotics Studio there are some MSDN Robotics newsgroups setup for you to ask questions.

- Mike
