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HTML 5 Resources

Resources #1: HTML5 Labs


HTML5 Labs is where Microsoft prototypes early and unstable specifications from web standards bodies such as W3C. Sharing these prototypes helps us have informed discussions with developer communities, and enables us to provide better feedback on draft specifications based on this implementation experience. To find out more about HTML5Labs, read the blog by Dean Hachamovitch, Corporate Vice President for Internet Explorer, and the blog by Jean Paoli, President, Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.

Web Standard Prototypes:

HTTP Speed + Mobility - This prototype implements the websocket-based session layer described in the HTTP Speed+Mobility proposal Microsoft contributed to the IETF httpbis workgroup, as well as parts of the multiplexing logic incorporated from Google's SPDY proposal.

Video Captioning - The new HTML5 track element can be used to point to a caption file that contains a written
representation of the dialog or actions in a HTML5 video

To get more prototypes from HTML5 Labs, click here.

Resources #2: Hands-On 3D Transforms 

CSS 3D Transforms are an enhancement to CSS Transforms which provides transform in three dimensions. For more details about 3D Transform, click here.

Resources #3: HowStuffWorks – Canvas

The HTML5 Canvas API defines several composition modes via the globalCompositeOperation property. Each composition mode specifies how pixels should be drawn to the Canvas, such as overwriting, combining, or XORing color values. Your browser’s composition speed is dependent on the quality of its Canvas implementation and the performance of your computer hardware.

This demo uses Canvas composition modes, buffering, and coding patterns similar to those used by games. Each gear is composed of off-screen Canvases that cache intermediate renderings. Caching generated images allows game designers to reuse assets and keep downloads small. Off-screen buffering is used by game developers to accelerate rendering speed and achieve smooth animation, especially when sprites are used.

For more details on how does Canvas composition work, click here.