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Weather Man-Chicago apps live Windows 8 and Windows Phone

I spoke at the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) on Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.  As part of the talk I also built to apps.  One for Windows 8 and one for Windows Phone 8.  I am happy to say they are both live in their respective stores.  I share more soon about what I learned while building them.  In the meantime, here are the links.

Windows 8 Weather Man-Chicago

Windows Phone 8 Weather Man-Chicago

These are hand crafted XAML/C# apps.  These apps use government weather feeds/services to provide observed weather and forecast weather for Chicago (could be generalized to any city in the US). 

I am happy to say that I used Portable Class Libraries (PCL) to make pretty much all none UI code reusable, I used the basically the same XAML in both (shocking right!-only 6 changes in the XAML) and after my talk and more polishing (adding app bars to both and such), screen shots, image building, both apps are in their respective stores today). I didn’t do MVVM, so that is an area for future consideration.