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Bloggers Page on Webservices Developers Center

Being the Content Strategist for the MSDN Web Services Developer Center, one of the things I am responsible for is the list of bloggers that I have in the community section.  This page has not been updated as much as it could and I have to admit that it a bit self-serving to put my own entry at the top of the list, so I'm about to re-up the list and I thought I would get some feedback from anyone willing to give it.  So here's my proposed list along w/ a little eval of each blogger (on a scale of 1 to 10 ... 10 is high -- and you don't want high noise).  Note that the topic is Web services, so posting about other stuff, although interesting, means a higher noise rating.

!!! I want your feedback on this !!! (please add comments to this post).  Who should be added who is not listed (maybe yourself)?  Who should be higher/lower in the list.  Promises of more frequent and on-topic postings are considered.  And please, no wagering.

Don Box Signal: 9, Noise: 2.  Entertaining and worthy of our top spot.

Christian Weyer: Signal: 9, Noise: 1.  Not a msft employee but stays on top of everything.

(New) Hervey Wilson: Signal: 8, Noise: 2. New entry to the list - focused on WSE.

Omri Gazitt: Signal: 6, Noise: 2.  Recent high quality posts bring Omri up the list.

(New) Martin Gudgin: Signal 6, Noise: 2. Another MSFT WS Spec guru.  Not many posts before Oct. but if hopefully can maintain a consistent presence.

Clemens Vasters: Signal 9, Noise: 6. Clemens dabbles in a lot of interesting things.  But not too much is specific to Web services.

(New) Jorgen Thelin: Signal 6, Noise: 4.  New entry from MSFT Web Service specs world

(New) Doug Purdy: Signal 7, Noise: 5. Doug has a lot to say outside of the world of Web services, but he usually has some high quality posts when he does.

Rebecca Dias: Signal 5, Noise: 4. Becky brings a refreshingly different view into the Web services world from most of the others on this list.

(New) Jeffrey Schlimmer: Signal 3, Noise: 1. PM from the MSFT Web Services specs world.  Not a lot of content but it is on topic.

Tim Ewald: Signal 2, Noise: 1. Tim's spout flows in spurts.  Recently it has been off (although almost always on topic and high quality).

Keith Ballinger: Signal 2, Noise: 4. Keith has fallen off the edge of blogland but has had some consistent high-quality content in the past.

Matt Powell: Signal 4, Noise: 4.  Me.  I talk about the Web Services Dev Center more than Web services themselves although I suppose it is a different view on the world of Web services.

Chris Sells: Signal 10, Noise: 6. Chris doesn't post too much on the topic of Web services but he does talk a bunch on related technologies and is generally high quality and entertaining.

Simon Fell: Signal 9, Noise: 6.  I'm sure there are people at msft who would like to see him dropped from our site since not everything he says is particularly flattering to our company--in fact most of what he says about our company is unflattering--but I like his perspective.

(Dropping) Sam Ruby: Signal 9, Noise: 9.  Sam is very popular but has left the world of Web services as we know it.

(Dropping) Yasser Shouhoud: Signal 0, Noise: 2. Yasser, where are you?

(Dropping) Eric Rudder: Signal 0, Noise: 9. We had hopes for an interesting MSFT VP perspective--oh well.
