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E-Learning Guild DevLearn 2007

Brief OneNote dump from 3-day e-learning conference, Nov 5-7, 2007, in San Jose.



Day 1 - Sir Ken Robinson spoke on the nature of creativity, excerpting from his book: Out of Our Minds. This was equally interesting to hear as a parent, than as a learning developer, because of Ken's studies on creativity during childhood, and what happens to us as we get older. The good news - we can learn to be more creative. Read it.

Day 2  - Paul Saffo, from Stanford Univ. talked about technology changes that make our elearning busines even more critical for success. Two interesting sites from his talk: - Halo-based talk show. and - a gaming site that ultimately puts food on people's tables.

Day 3 - Frans Johansson - author of the Medici Effect. Great presenter, and he makes a really compelling case for the power of diversity in creating high-performance teams. Why? Because innovations occur not in the abstract, but at the intersection of existing ideas. Diverse teams (cultural or roles based) bring more interesting ways to look at problems, and statistically yield greater results than homogenous teams. Frans led us through several exercises, including mental mash-ups, that I can't wait to try back at the shop.

The common thread here was on cultivating a culture of creativity...

Other themes to the conference include web 2.0/learning 2.0, virtual environments, and rapid development tools and techniques.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Fantastic tip on the Medici Effect. I think that most organizations create homogenous teams to foster efficiency and fail to foster climates where existing ideas can intersect. You'd think that the Medici Effect could work on the Internet but true collaboration of this nature isn't happening yet. Differing backgrounds collide without merging. Name calling (or playing it safe) take the place of synthesis. Wikipedia is wonderful but controversial topics get reduced to the safe common denominator. How could we tap into the Medici Effect on the Internet?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Diversity on the Internet? Interesting - in a world where we are all, or at least can be, anonymous. I can check with the author on that, or read his book :-). That sounds like a great web-app - Medici-style diversity team builder. Like mash-ups based on profiles.