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System Center Essentials Wish List

Here are some items that were requested by some of you along with the feedback that I received from our SCE product team.

Q. Do we have any thoughts of putting tracking in place to log what the admin is doing in the SCE console; so those tasks or whatever was done on the server can be printed for billing purposes or history?

This would be something to consider for the Remote Ops Manager scenarios where partners want to show the value and details of services performed, not necessarily for stand-alone Essentials administrators managing on-site. Remote Ops Manager will come with reports for Partners to print and show the value of the services they provide customer when they're remotely managing via Essentials on customer sites. This is under discussion.

Q. Do we have future ambitions to allow the administrator to add notes to the computers/servers/devices that are being monitored? (Have an editable note field)

This is a request in the queue, so up for discussion as well.

Great feedback from our attendees and, yes, the product group does listen. Thanks goes out to the product team for such a quick response on the feedback.