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AITP Meets

Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) Lehigh Valley Chapter



Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Discussion Theme:

"Al DeBona's Top 10 Critical Success Factors in Project Management"


Speaker: Alan R. DeBona, Project Manager, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.


Best Practices are the best way to perform a business process. They are the means by which leading companies have achieved top performance, and they serve as goals by other companies striving for excellence. Best practices are not the definitive answer to a business problem. They are a source of creative


insight for business improvement. Also, PMI (Project Management Institute),

states that 90% of a project manager's time is spent communicating. This

presentation will take a look at Al's top 10 critical success factors in project management in relation to the number one critical success factor:



Alan DeBona is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) who is actively engaged in managing IT projects for Air Products and Chemical, Inc. Al began managing projects over 15 years ago. He has managed IT projects in the areas of IT Infrastructure, Application Development, Software Package Implementation, Document Management, and Knowledge Management. While the majority of Al's 26 years were spent in IT organizations, a recent 3 year assignment in the Business Process Improvement area has helped shape his current philosophy on managing projects.


Al holds a Master's degree in Information Systems from DeSales University and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Millersville University.

From December 1999 through December 2003, Al served as a School Board Director for Salisbury Township School District. Al enjoys visiting the Jersey shore, doing home improvement projects, and playing Texas Hold'em.


                  Meeting Location

Christopher's at the Columbian Home

1519 Greenleaf Street, Allentown, PA


Directions to the Columbian Home:

Traveling West on Rt. 22 from Bethlehem: Exit at the 15th Street exit.


left at the bottom of the ramp (15th St.) Stay on 15th Street for about 1 mile. Turn right onto Greenleaf St. It will be the first right after the traffic light at Roth Ave.


Traveling East on Rt. 22 from West Allentown: Exit at the 15th Street exit.

Turn right at the bottom of the ramp (15th St.) Stay on 15th Street for about

1 mile. Turn right onto Greenleaf St. It will be the first right after the traffic light at Roth Ave.


From Tilghman Street: Turn onto 15th Street towards Rt. 22 (right if traveling west, left if traveling east). Make a left on to Greenleaf St.

(~1/4 mile)


Refreshments: Cocktail hour and a Buffet Dinner. Cost is $16 for AITP members, $23 for non-members. It is very important for us to get an accurate count of attendance to ensure enough food. Please respond to the reservations notice below.


5:30-6:30 -- Time to gather & network; Cash Bar 6:30-7:30 - Dinner 7:30-8:30 - Meeting and Speaker's Presentation 8:30 -- Adjournment & home (or wherever)

Reservations: Please email Sharon Deibert at, Tom Walsh


at or return this meeting notice. We need this number so