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AITP Lehigh Valley Meeting Scheduled

Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP)

Lehigh Valley Chapter


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Discussion Theme:

"Enterprise Search and Content Management "

Speakers: Mary Moulton, Taxonomy Specialist, Air Products & Chemicals

                  Clay Collins, KM program manager, Air Products & Chemicals

Users should be able to search and browse information in a context that promotes dissemination, learning, and application. In this case study, our Air Products team will discuss how they are implementing a metadata-driven architecture that integrates search and content management. Using KM approaches such as communities of practice, they are influencing the development of taxonomy site structures, thesauri, metatagging, and design of content for reuse.


Mary Moulton has been the Taxonomy Specialist for KM Solutions since 2003. Mary is primarily responsible for developing processes for organizing unstructured intranet content, and integrating these processes in the Knowledge Organization System. Her responsibilities include thesaurus management, metadata design, and content categorization. Mary has more than 10 years experience as an academic reference librarian. She joined Air Products and Chemicals in September 1999 as a technical information specialist and coordinator for library reference services. She earned a Master of Library Science from the University of Rhode Island, and a Master of Science in Entomology from Kansas State University.


Clay Collins has been the KM program manager at Air Products and Chemicals since 2002. He has led the implementation of the KM framework which includes the enterprise portal, enterprise search, corporate taxonomy and content management systems. In this role, Clay is responsible for strategic planning as well as managing the program to implement the KM framework. Clay has more than 15 years experience in information technology and has worked in areas of artificial intelligence, knowledge management, and expert systems. He earned a Master of Science in Computer Science from Sacramento State University, a Master of Science in Project Management from George Washington University, and is a certified project management professional.


Meeting Location

Christopher's at the Columbian Home

1519 Greenleaf Street, Allentown, PA

Directions to the Columbian Home:

Traveling West on Rt. 22 from Bethlehem: Exit at the 15th Street exit. Turn left at the bottom of the ramp (15th St.) Stay on 15th Street for about 1 mile. Turn right onto Greenleaf St. It will be the first right after the traffic light at Roth Ave.

Traveling East on Rt. 22 from West Allentown: Exit at the 15th Street exit. Turn right at the bottom of the ramp (15th St.) Stay on 15th Street for about 1 mile. Turn right onto Greenleaf St. It will be the first right after the traffic light at Roth Ave.

From Tilghman Street: Turn onto 15th Street towards Rt. 22 (right if traveling west, left if traveling east). Make a left on to Greenleaf St. (~1/4 mile)

Refreshments:   Cocktail hour and a Buffet Dinner. Cost is $15 for AITP members, $22 for non-members. It is very important for us to get an accurate count of attendance to ensure enough food. Please respond to the reservations notice below.


5:30-6:30 -- Time to gather & network; Cash Bar

6:30-7:30 – Dinner

7:30-8:30 – Meeting and Speaker’s Presentation

8:30 -- Adjournment & home (or wherever)

Reservations:  Please email Sharon Deibert at, Tom Walsh at or return this meeting notice. We need this number so that an adequate room size and amount of food can be ordered.