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Seattle 2006 Storm Pictures

This was a tough one on Seattle. Worst one in a decade. It's a good thing I went back home when I did. I do wish all my friends back in Seattle the best of luck if they had any trouble.

Back here in Cincinnati we have had much warmer weather than prevous years. Must of brought some of the Seattle weather with me :). 

At anyrate back to Seattle, here are some good pictures from pnwguy:

06 Seattle Storm- Blocked Road

7 photos | Detail view

For More Check Out The Flickr Seattle '06 Storm RSS (
06 Seattle Storm- Blocked Road 06 Seattle Storm-Sharing Stories 06 Seattle Storm-Meeting Neighbors 06 Seattle Storm-Road of Pine 06 Seattle Storm-Reparations06 Seattle Storm-Rope Man 06 Seattle Storm Reparations-2