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Mobile Phone Security Threats?

Mobile technology is great. I personally have a T-Mobile MDA and absolutely love it. I check all my e-mail on it, from personal account(s) to my professional account. I especially like being on a plan and answering my e-mails on my Windows Mobile Phone rather than reaching under the seat and bringing out my bulky laptop. I can also hop on the internet either with cdma or wi-fi which I can check my online banking account or run some cool mobile applications such as the Seattle traffic report.

So by default I have a PIN to access my PDA. But I notice many users do not do this. So I start to think about this for a moment. As more and more applications are developed for this platform we run an increased risk of potential threats to our personal data. The days of someone trying to steal your phone to make a call is over with. Now we have to worry about them accessing our e-mail and other personal data stored on the device.
We are starting to see virus tailored for mobile devices. There is a link to some of the bluetooth viruses on ( It is also a pretty good article. 

I would recommend all financial organizations to take a closer look at this issue. This is especially true with the emergence of mobile payments and micro payments.