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Limitations in the InfoPath Web Forms Deployment

Pashamn has started to compile a list of limitations in the InfoPath Web Forms deployment. Here is a snippit of what he has discovered: 

  1. No native write to SQL databases.   The ease of use of establing an ADO connection to SQL or Access, and being able to query and write back to a database is lost.   Instead you will probably need to talk to the DB via a web service.
  2. No roundtripping for cascading picklists.   Something I do all the time is have one picklist be a filter for another picklist.  Common example, pick a state, which then filters the city field dropdown.   Can't do that in a web form.
  3. Summary list of controls that aren't supported in web forms:
    • ComboBox
    • Multiple-Selection List Box
    • Master/Detail
    • Bulleted, Numbered and Plain List
    • Picture
    • Ink Picture
    • Vertical Label
    • Scrolling and Horizontal Region
    • Horizontal Repeating Table
    • Choice Group
    • Repeating Choice Group
    • Choice Section
    • Repeating Recursive Section
    • ActiveX Controls

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