How would you like an Xbox 360?
Drive customers to the Microsoft CRM Customer Launch Tour and you can win one of three XBox 360s the Mid Atlantic Area. NOW is the time to spread the word to your customers, prospects and suspects.
As mentioned below, Microsoft CRM will be launched here on:
Washington, DC
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Thursday, February 9, 2006
The three partners in the region who drive the most customers or prospects to either of these events will win a fully loaded XBox 360 Premium Edition. It’s that simple*. We will award one to the highest Microsoft CRM Focused Partner, One to the Highest Dynamics Partner and one to the highest Platform Partner.
And driving people to the event is also pretty simple – in fact, we even provide you with your own partner-branded sign-up page. In case you missed the blog entry, here’s how it works:
You can either send customers to one of the links above, or you can create your own custom invitation by following these easy steps below.
I’ll be tallying and posting results periodically between now and February.
You’ve seen what a fantastic release Microsoft CRM 3.0 is – now let’s get the word out to world!
1. Log on to with your Microsoft Partner Program-enabled Passport User Name and Password
2. In the left menu, click on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Launch Tour.
3. Select one or more Launch events and following the simple on-screen instructions.
OK – some restrictions do apply. You need to get at least 10 attendees per Microsoft Partner to attend either event. Results will be tallied and prizes will be awarded by the end of February, 2006.
Only one prize per Microsoft Partner company. We reserve the right to deny entrys based upon a high number of "No Shows", Incorrect Company Information, etc...
If you have any questions, please feel free to email with the title of Xbox 360 Question