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Microsoft Premier Workshop: System Center Configuration Manager: Concepts and Administration Advanced

Der  dreitägigen Workshops System Center Configuration Manager: Concepts and Administration Advanced vermittelt den Teilnehmern einen tieferen Einblick in die zusätzlichen Features des System Center Configuration Managers. Fokus wird auf folgende Aspekte gelegt:

• Deployment and Architecture
• Compliance Settings
• Application Deployment
• Site and Client Monitoring
• Troubleshooting
• Site Recovery

Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Workshop KEINEN Gesamtüberblick über alle  Features des System Center Configurations Managers liefert. Für einen Gesamtüberblick empfehlen wir den Workshop System Center Configuration Manager: Concepts and Administration.

Dieser Workshop richtet sich in erster Linie an IT Mitarbeiter die bereits mit bestehenden Installationen von System Center Configuration Manager.

Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

Module 1: System Center Configuration Manager: Deployment and Architecture:
This module covers deployment and  architecture of Configuration Manager and the implementation of secure client-server communications using public key infrastructure (PKI).

Module 2: System Center Configuration Manager: Compliance Settings:
This module describes how to use Configuration Manager to assess compliance of settings and configurations. It also discusses how to monitor for drift, and remediate non-compliant settings.

Module 3: System Center Configuration Manager: Application Deployment:
This module discusses the application model and how an administrator can deploy software transitioning to a state-based usertargeted approach. It also discusses self-service through the new Software Center.

Module 4: System Center Configuration Manager: Site and Client Monitoring:
This module discusses how to monitor the health of Configuration Manager servers and clients.

Module 5: System Center Configuration Manager: Troubleshooting and Site Recovery:
This module explains how to troubleshoot Configuration Manager server and client issues. It also covers how to back up and restore a site server in a recovery scenario.

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