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Looking for leads? Pinpoint Ireland generated 4,001 leads in 10 months! Maximise your profile today.

It has been a year since we launched Pinpoint in Ireland  and to date, since July 2011 our Irish pinpoint site has had 15,183 customer visits resulting in 4,001 prospects for our Irish partners.

What is Pinpoint?

Pinpoint is an online site that helps business customers find partners & technology experts that solve specific business issues and support long-term goals. Irish Partners can upload a profile that tells customers exactly what their expertise is & how their software applications and professional services can address customer needs. Pinpoint can dramatically increase your customer engagement and help you create business opportunities. 1 in 4 visitors to the Pinpoint marketplace contact a Microsoft partner for more information or to purchase via the “e-mail this company” button, phone, e-mail or click-through to the partner website.

Upcoming Webinar – May 2nd 11am-12pm.

We are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 2nd, for partners that are looking to either get listed on Pinpoint or maximise their current profile. As already stated in the last 10 months Pinpoint Ireland has generated 4,001 leads for our Irish partners. With this in mind, here is an opportunity for our Irish partners to learn how to make the most out of this valuable lead generation tool. We will also briefly cover the marketplaces.

Webinar Agenda:

- What has happened with Pinpoint in the first year.

- Why is it relevant to my business?

- What does an ideal profile look like?

- Learn how to create your best profile.

- Learn how to generate leads using the marketplace.

- Understand applications and professional services.

- How Pinpoint can work with my overall company marketing strategy.

- Office 365 marketplace overview.

- Q&A.

To register for the Webinar please contact Aoibheann Gleeson and put the work Pinpoint webinar is your subject line.

Many thanks,

The Microsoft Ireland Partner Team.