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Have you activated your TechNet subscription yet?

Get ready for 2011!

Do you have the latest Microsoft software to test and evaluate?

You do! It’s already included in your Microsoft Partner Network benefits!

This is a reminder that partners have access to the best collection of Microsoft evaluation software just by being a Microsoft Gold or Silver Competency Partner or Microsoft Action Pack Solution Provider subscriber!

Deepen your understanding of Microsoft products and technologies: 

Evaluation Software:  

No time or feature limits to all Microsoft commercial software, including beta and release candidate (RC) versions of operating system, application, server, and Microsoft Dynamics software.   Use to help with system and application compatibility testing.

Technical Library download and viewer:

Get quick and easy offline access to Technical Library documents and manage on your PC .   Use to help with planning deployments or architecture design sessions at while on the road.

· Exclusive Portal Access:

Efficiently manage your subscription and access your benefits from one place

Access your TechNet Subscription benefits

· Gold and Silver Competency partners receive three subscriptions per organisation.  Microsoft Action Pack for Solution Providers receive one subscription.

· If you are a Microsoft Action Pack Solution Provider subscriber, visit the Microsoft Action Pack Subscription Support page for details about how to assign technical contact IDs and access subscription benefits.

· If you are a partner with a silver or gold competency, an administrator for your organization must visit the Partner Membership Center and assign each TechNet Subscription to a specific person. TechNet Subscriptions can be assigned only to individuals who have already associated their Windows Live ID with their Microsoft Partner Network member organization.

· After your administrator has assigned your subscription, he or she will provide a technical contact ID for you, or you can visit the Partner Membership Center to obtain the ID yourself.

· After you have acquired a technical contact ID, visit the Activate My TechNet Subscription page to activate your subscription and access your benefits.

· If you have any questions or need support, contact

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