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Office Celebrates National Small Business Week: aNb Media and Basic Black Save Big with Office 2010

This week we’d like to give a shout out to small businesses finding success with Office 2010. Here are two small businesses that use Office 2010 to stay productive and competitive:

aNb Media, a company of 10 employees, publishes online and print trade journals, including reviews of the latest and greatest toys on the market. To stay on top of trends, aNb Media is in constant contact with manufactures, retailers and licensing agents worldwide. Before Office 2010, employees experienced spam and inefficient document sharing in daily tasks. After moving to Office 2010, aNb Media increased its productivity and gained about 20 extra hours a week—the equivalent of an additional part-time employee! aNb Media president Jim Silver said, “Without Office 2010 there would not be enough hours in the work week to do what we're doing today.”

Basic Black, a Florida-based company specializing in gear for special-forces soldiers and law-enforcement officers, counts on Microsoft for its software needs. The company used another solution and was looking for more security and collaboration capabilities. At Basic Black only a select group of people have the rights to open, reply and forward sensitive information such as prototypes, test results, sale presentations and pricing plans for their products. Office 2010 allows the company to maintain its need for secure collaboration by allowing only authorized employees to read, edit and copy these sensitive Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Information rights management within Office 2010 allows users to improve information security, which is a key requirement for Basic Black. Office 2010’s collaboration and security features resulted in cost savings for Basic Black. With one year of deployment, Basic Black saved more than $30,000 with Office 2010.

View the full aNb Media case study, here, and the full Basic Black case study, here. Read more about Office 2010 tips and tricks for small businesses on the Office blog.