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Cloud Power!

Hot on the heels of last Week’s Professional Developer’s Conference, Microsoft continues its heavy focus on cloud computing by kicking off a new, global “Cloud Power” campaign. Based on the notion that the cloud has the power to fundamentally change the way people do business, the campaign will give organizations that are considering the cloud information about the potential benefits for their business and advice on how to get started.

Office 365 is a pivotal part of Microsoft’s enterprise cloud computing offering, and cloud productivity is one of the three key scenarios that the company will highlight throughout the campaign. You can expect to see quite a bit more about office 365 in the context of the campaign in the months ahead.

In addition, the campaign will include:
• More than 150 educational events around the world
• Insight from top Microsoft executives on critical issues such as security and privacy
• Perspective from real customers talking about their experiences with Microsoft’s cloud technologies
• New online tools – including the Cloud Opportunity Explorer – available at

There’s also an advertising element to the campaign, which kicks into full gear this evening with a 30-second TV spot on Monday Night Football during the Houston vs. Indianapolis game. For more information about the campaign or the meaning of “Cloud Power,” please visit the Microsoft News Center.