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Getting Access to the Social Analytics Lab

Are you curious about Microsoft Codename “Social Analytics?" Are you wondering how to get started? The Social Analytics Lab and its documentation (on Social Analytics Connect) are available and ready to help you, as is our Social Analytics Forum. Just go to the Social Analytics Lab to register for the lab and follow the instructions there. In case you want to bypass the lab page, just click on this shortcut.

After you fill out and submit the access request form, we will send you an e-mail with detailed instructions. Today you'll find the process relatively complicated, but we will continue to make improvements over time as we move toward the goal of enabling "one-click" access to rich social analytics.

Here's a sample of what you'll hear from us with some commentary <in-line>.



Thank you for signing up for Microsoft Codename “Social Analytics.” 

To start using Social Analytics data, visit and use your invitation code: xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx.

<"Social Analytics" is a cloud based service hosted in Windows Azure. The invitation code provides your Windows LiveID with access to the Windows Azure service. Enter it the first time you go to (or for the Bill Gates data).>

After entering your information and accepting the Terms of Use, you will have two ways to interact with social media data about Windows 8:

 Browsing Real-time Social Analytics Data

We recommend familiarizing yourself with Social Analytics data via our web-based Engagement Client, which shows a real-time stream of social media content about Windows 8.  After logging in, select “Engagement Client” in the top navigation menu. You can find information about using the Engagement Client here.

<The Engagement Client provides a simple social media data browsing experience, oriented toward viewing most recently posted information. The detailed information link shows you a map of the Engagement Client describing each control and what it does.>

Using Social Analytics API

When you are ready to start using the Social Analytics API with data about Windows 8, start with the following steps:

1. Get your account key here.  <We provide programmatic access to Social Analytics data through Windows Azure DataMarket. This step provides you with the secret (account key) linking your LiveID to the Windows 8 data>

2. Copy your account key to use in LinqPad, PowerPivot or Visual Studio.

3. Review instructions for using LinqPad, PowerPivot or C# to access your dataset <We want you to be able to use the API as part of your usual development process. Let us know what we can do to make it simpler and easier for you to achieve your social web integration goals.>

Note: You may see an “Explore this Dataset” option on the DataMarket offer page. This explorer is not compatible with the Social Analytics source and should not be used to explore the data.

For additional information, you can read the full API documentation

Additional Resources

Here are some other links that you may find useful:

  That's basically it! 

If you click on one these URLs and don’t have access, go to this "shortcut" to request access.

Play with the lab.  Enjoy!