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Xbox 360 Holds No. 1 U.S. Sales Spot for 18th Consecutive Month

Halfway through 2012, Xbox 360 maintained its lead in the U.S. console market, marking 18 months as the top-selling current-generation console in the U.S.

June highlights from The NPD Group include:

· Xbox 360 sold 257,000 units in June, holding 47 percent share of current-generation console sales in the U.S. This marks the 16th consecutive month that Xbox 360 has held more than a 40 percent share of current-generation console sales in the U.S.

· Total retail spend on the Xbox 360 platform in June (hardware, software and accessories) reached $272 million, the most for any console in the U.S. Consumers spent more on Xbox 360 products than they spent on the other two current-generation consoles combined.

· Xbox 360 held four of the top 10 U.S. console game titles, including the top three titles. Xbox 360 titles in the top 10 included: “Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier,” “Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes,” “Max Payne 3” and “NBA 2K12.”

Xbox continues offering more ways to play with the launch of Kinect PlayFit, a new fitness dashboard that aggregates and tracks the calories you burn from playing Kinect games, including “Dance Central 2,” “Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012” and “Kinect Star Wars.”

Xbox 360 will also be at Comic-Con International in San Diego this week with a series of exciting events including “Halo 4” and “Gears of War” panel presentations.

Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, The Official Microsoft Blog