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Never miss a deadline with OneNote!

The newest episode of the video series A Writer’s Guide to Microsoft Office — created by my colleague Joannie Stangeland and produced by yours truly — is now available. As did her premiere episode, Joannie’s latest video shines the spotlight on OneNote 2007, which she uses together with Outlook 2007 to track writing contests and writing submission deadlines.

Joannie modestly claims that hers is a very low-tech approach to tracking her writing work. But really, it’s just another great example of how easy it is to do real-life tasks in OneNote without a lot of up-front work or overhead. No matter what the task, OneNote adapts to the way you like to work. It doesn’t matter if you are the world’s most organized and methodical person or the kind who can’t remember where you put the car keys five minutes ago. (Okay, now... if OneNote could only help with that last example!)

Here’s the newest episode in its entirey. (To watch it in full-size HD format, click here!)

If you use OneNote and the other Office 2007 programs, you’re sure to pick up a lot of useful tips while watching Joannie’s entire series, even if you don't write fiction or poetry in your spare time.

Watch other episodes in this video series:

Visit Joannie’s blog:

Watch other Office 2007 videos produced by my team here at work:

As always, your comments and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Let me know what type of content you find most useful in learning and mastering a program like OneNote, and what format(s) you prefer — written articles, short videos, Web-based training courses, slide shows, how-to blog posts, or step-by-step tutorials.