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Photobucket adds Sizzle and Sharing via IM to Spice Up Photo Search


imageLike Bing’s great multimedia search?  Did you know other companies are innovating in the multimedia search space?

Today Photobucket announced their own way to push the boundaries of visual search. They combined a killer user experience (based on Silverlight ) with one of the most popular sharing behaviors on the web – instant messaging.

image Try it now at

Consumers are able to easily share pictures they find via Photobucket with their friends on Windows Live Messenger no matter where they are signed in (Messenger on Windows, Mac, or Mobile devices).


The Windows Live Messenger Web Toolkit UI Controls provides a skinable and flexible way to interact with the 320+ million people who use Windows Live Messenger monthly. The UI controls can be easily integrated (see Interactive SDK) in web sites and makes a lot of the heavy lifting (coding JavaScript) only required if you want a fully custom experience.

 <msgr:contact-list word-wheel-enabled="true" sort-mode="status" hide-offline-contacts="true"></msgr:contact-list>

Sharing via Instant Messaging

Lots of web sites today allow sharing via activity streams/feeds, recently I did some analysis into the differences between sharing via Streams and sharing via instant messaging. Check it out.

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Sharing a photo with my friends

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The friend I shared it with gets this experience

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Angus Logan cross-posted this from here.

Senior Technical Product Manager


Technorati Tags: instant messaging,photos,search,visual search,social media,sharing,IM,windows live messenger,messenger,photo sharing,Photobucket,windows live