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Behavior of Expired MED-V Workspaces Explained

imageIf a user is attempting to start a MED-V Workspace and the user receives a message stating that there are no workspaces available, or they see list of workspaces and the one intended for the user is not available, this is usually because of one of the following reasons:

· The workspace has not been enabled for the user

· The workspace is enabled but has expired.

Users will receive no expiry warning prior to expiration. In addition, users will not receive any notice once the workspace has expired.

Workspace Expiration Options

Workspace expiration options are set in the General section of the deployment tab. Expiration options are granular in that they can be set on a per-user or per-group basis. When the workspace expiration date is set, it takes effect for the workspace during the next policy refresh (which is on login, every 15 minutes, or manually through the system tray.) If a workspace is active, and the workspace expiration occurs, it will not affect an active workspace session. Once the workspace stops in that case, then the workspace will no longer be made available to the user.


Workspace Deletion Options

An additional option is made available for determining the behavior of workspace images on the client under certain configuration parameters. These include when the workspace is expired, when the workspace is offline for a certain amount of time, or the workspace has been disabled. These options were primarily designed for revertible workspaces in that deletion of persistent workspaces are often only used for added security of normally connected workspaces.

If a parameter triggering workspace deletion has occurred and the workspace is currently running, the deletion will take place once the workspace is stopped. It is important to note only the images (all versions) beneath C:\MED-V Images\<IMAGENAME> will be deleted and not pre-staged CKM images.


Steve Thomas | Senior Support Escalation Engineer

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  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2011
    I keep going round and round with everyone on what to do when you've applied several updates and you're running out of server disk space on the MED-V server. For the exam, everyone thinks it's to configure the clients to use Trim Transfer, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what Trim Transfer has to do with saving space on the server. I thought it was to specify the number of images to keep, but no one agrees. That's why I was on your page, looking at ways we can expire MED-V workspaces.