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Walt Disney World Goofy Challenge Training Week 9: Tipping Point Week

9 This is the halfway point week, at midweek I reach half way through the training.  So on Wednesday it becomes 8 weeks down and by weeks end 8 weeks to go!

This last week was an interesting week of training, and I surprised myself a bit.  My 17 miler on Saturday was interesting, I decided to switch my run days because of my schedule and it worked out.  However, I have 1 word, that frighten the most stout of distance runners,  that will describe my 17 mile 2:49:31 Saturday run:


That is right, I did all 17 on the treadmill.  First I did not think I could do and I dreaded the start over, because if you gym is like my gym most treadmill’s have a 60 minute time limit, so I had to reset 3 times.  Which actually worked out, the resetting allowed me to eat, and get focused and I played the game.  I treated it like 3 separate runs, and it really worked out.  So you might be wondering how did I make it through, well I have two words for that:

College Football

Got to love those TV’s and being able to watch 3 hours of college football on Saturday, and getting to eat and drink (Gatorade) at the same time.  Ahh  a little slice of heaven.  Seriously, so why did I run when I could have gone outside.  I think in part it is because I got spoiled from living in TX, and my neighborhood there, I had runs where I could go out 10 miles turn around and come back, no looping, no multiple laps, just go straight and turn around.  Unfortunately my new neighborhood is not like that, and the trails around me are about 1/2 hour drive away.  Not a lot, but I when I do to run, I want throw on my shorts, shirt shoes, socks, and tunes and go.  My gym is about 1 mile from the house, and this week I will most likely do the same.  Fits better with my schedule, and after all it will only be 12 miles on the treadmill.  Have a great week! 

Here is what is in store for me this week:


Cross Train/ Lower Body






Core/Upper Body Lifting







Only a FEW more slots are open for the runs:

  • Marathon registration at 91%!
  • Half Marathon registration at 94%!
  • Goofy Challenge at 97%!