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Walt Disney World Goofy Challenge Training Week 8: A New Week

8 Wow what a difference a week makes!

I had a really solid week of training and was pleased with the 16 early on Sunday morning.  This was really the first long run I felt like I prepared for not only the morning of, but the the days leading up to the run.  I try to look at each week as a separate race week in itself.  Some weeks I do well, like last week, and other weeks I hope to never see again!  So it boils down to proper training, and planning.

So nutrition played a key part in my training this last week, and I had a good friend of mine (thanks Nikki), send me an article about the “wall” and how to overcome it.  Not sure if the calculator mentioned in the article works, but I thought it was worth mentioning:

Hey marathoners: Avoid hitting the wall! 

However, I should make one note about planning your run.  Make sure you know the exact distance you are running.  While I thought my lap was 4 miles long, it turned out to actually be 4.2 miles.  I know what your thinking, .2 does not seem to be a lot, well ask any Marathoner and most will tell you the .2 after 26 miles is not all that fun.  More important to my run, I did my lap 4 times, so I ran 16.8 (yes that .2 adds up quickly). 

So when your running and you look at your watch and wonder why you are almost 1 minute above your goal pace, maybe it is not you, but how you measured the distance, so make sure you know the distance before you run.  Have a great week!

So what is store for this week


Cross Train/ Lower Body






4 Hills




Core/Upper Body Lifting



Registration is almost full, and time is running out:

  • Marathon registration at 89%!
  • Half Marathon registration at 92%!
  • Goofy Challenge at 89%!