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Walt Disney World Goofy Challenge Training Week 7: More Training Tips From Jeff Galloway

7 Last week is summed up in two words:

Tough Week.

While my running on the road was really good, even ran a 3.8 mile race on Thursday, the weekend runs did not go well at all. Just did not have it, I think I was mostly dehydrated and did not eat right.  I know it was not the distances, so not sure what happened, but need to accept and move on to this week.  Ultimately I think it may be the fact I am going out to fast, and I seem to  be having positive splits lately. Going out too fast, and not having enough in the tank.   Maybe I am trying to hard to make some speed, or I just need to get the negative splits back into my vocabulary.  I hope to find out this week.

As I was going through the As I have mentioned in prior posts, I have become a big fan of the Galloway running method, and I have found a great way to extend my runs.  Well Jeff, did a few more videos on the Disney site.   I found the videos had some great training advice and tips and you can check them out your self.  Take a look here (let me know what you think):

Jeff Galloway Training Videos

This week I head on the road as well, and will be interesting getting my week day runs in.  Here is what I have in store for this week:


Cross Train/ Lower Body






4 Hills




Core/Upper Body Lifting



Still time to join me in Disney, but time is running out, registration is nearing the full mark:

  • Marathon registration at 76%!
  • Half Marathon registration at 84%!
  • Goofy Challenge at 80%!