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New Hardware and Windows 7 Deployment and Testing with IT Pro Momentum

momentumMany of you may be just like the following IT Pro. You have not bought hardware in quite some time and still run Windows XP.  So what happens when you start to purchase new hardware with Windows 7.  This project provides some insights to those questions.

Objectives of the project: I wanted to the departments ready for the change over to Windows 7 come this fall into next year. 

What problem did you set out to solve? I wanted to get everyone that was not ready for change to be ready.

Products used in the project: Windows 7

Project description:   Many of the people in my company were not ready for upgrade. We have been running Windows XP for a good 8 years now and  the people were happy to continue using it. However with the new pc's we are planning on purchasing, Windows 7 is going to be included. My department decided that we were slowly going to introduce the Windows 7 beta and RC to our employee's and see how well they become acquainted with it. So far it is going really well and our employee's are enjoying the many new features included and are becoming happy for a change.

Were the objectives stated at the beginning satisfied? Yes, they were. Our problem is slowly being solved

Are you going to save money? Not at first.  Eventually we hope to save a bit but with the installation of new pc's going to happen we are not going to save at first.

What do you think about the IT Pro Momentum program?   It is a very good program and I am happy to be involved. It provides the tools needed to allow projects to go much easier.

Would you have done this project without the IT Pro Momentum program? I most likely would have but I feel this allowed us to save money by not having to purchase Windows 7 at first and it doesn't make us have to wait to introduce it.