Holiday Technology Gift Guide --- Keyboard for Blondes
Okay this was too good not to share, it had me ROFL, Now I can post this one because I am blonde and I am thinking about buying one it is a full keyboard for about $50 US. The Keyboard for Blondes is USB based and will run on Windows, Linux and Mac. and features some fun and interesting keys (some make noise) including:
- I need my space key (space bar)
- No! (esc)
- WARNING size XXL letters (Caps lock)
- Dice Faces (number keys)
To have some fun and learn more check it out here:
For the next few postings I am going to be sharing some fun ideas for gift giving for the holidays for the geek in your life.
December 09, 2008
LOL, good to see such posts on Technet, once in a while :)Anonymous
September 29, 2009
I have one :) It's very funny :)