Going Goofy….Again!
If you have read my blog for the last few years you are probably thinking, Matt has really lost it, to go through all the training again. Well I kinda have lost it, but that is what Goofy is all about losing yourself. For those of you new to the blog, maybe wondering what in the heck am I talking about. We will start with this email, I just got:
2011 Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge
Dear Matthew,
Congratulations! You are now registered for 2011 Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge. Please check the event's official website for updates: https://www.disneyworldmarathon.com
So what exactly is Goofy Race and a Half Challenge. It is running a 1/2 marathon on Saturday, followed by running a full marathon on Sunday.
Yes that is right, and this will be my 2nd goofy. I plan on following Hal Higdons Marathon Training Schedule: Intermediate II: https://www.halhigdon.com/marathon/inter2.html
It worked in the past and I plan on it helping me through this again. If you want to see want I went through, I blogged my training schedule from last year and will do it again this year: https://blogs.technet.com/search/SearchResults.aspx?q=goofy&PageIndex=1 I most likely will incorporate Galloway into my training runs to help with joints and capsulitis, and will be wearing shoes (sorry Jimmy). Here is my recap from 2009: https://blogs.technet.com/b/matthewms/archive/2009/01/20/goofy-challenge-results-and-recap.aspx
If you are running the Goofy let me know and I look forward to sharing my training with you!
Have a Goofy day!
June 29, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 04, 2010
Have you started training yet? I am already signed up for the full but am starting to think about the goofy? I assume since you are doing it a 2nd time you thought the training was worth the three medals.Anonymous
July 05, 2010
Thanks Kevin, if I drove no way to get pictures. :-) Leslie, I have not started training yet, probably towards end of July, Goofy was a great challenge and you will love the Full. IT is BY FAR the most fun I have ever had running a Marathon, Disney does it right, and this trip will be a great run through again. Please let me know if you have any questions.