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Feedback requested: TN2.0 is going live

TN20 There is really one huge change that will impact us all as IT Pros. We are launching TechNet 2.0, and one of friends Keith Combs just recently blogged about it, including two 14 minute podcasts located here:

  1. TechNet 2.0 – Episode 1 – Core Scenarios and Branding
  2. TechNet 2.0 – Episode 2 – The New TechCenters

Keith plans on published several episodes in the coming weeks, and I will keep you updated as well keep checking on Keith’s blahg. 

Why is this important for you? Simply put now is the time to get your feedback into the TechNet team on how the website can best serve you.

  • What does do well today?
  • What can it do better?
  • What needs to be added or removed?

If you want to see changes, comment on Keith’s post! Here is a brief overview of TechNet 2.0:

Launch TechNet 2.0

TechNet is Microsoft’s site for IT professionals, here to make you successful with Microsoft products and as a technical professionalby providing the best technical content, essential tools for the job, and connections to Microsoft product groups and the technical community.

What are we trying to do with TechNet?

We are on a mission.  We want to make TechNet the best possible online experience for IT Professionals. As you can see, our mission goes beyond just providing product documentation and whitepapers. Sure, we still want to provide the essential architecture and planning guidance for our products and technologies, but we also want to connect you to people inside and outside Microsoft and enable you to actually participate in the TechNet experience. 

And, in order to do that, we focus on five key scenarios.

  1. Help Me! - Help me find technical content and solve technical problems, quickly
  2. Keep me Smart - Provide me with content and resources to increase my technical skills and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in my area
  3. Connect me with the product - Show me your future plans and let me provide feedback
  4. Connect me with people - Help me find and engage smart people at Microsoft and in the community
  5. Downloads - Make it easy for me to find and download the bits, tools, and resources I need to do my job

Across all five scenarios, we invest in:

  1. Content quality, relevance, and timeliness
  2. Ease of discoverability
  3. Opportunities for community participation and contribution

John does a great job in the podcast of describing each and what we think they mean.  Is he correct?   Feel free to comment below.

What is TechNet 2.0 ?

TechNet 2.0 is a broad initiative kicking off this month to increase your success with the core scenarios above. We especially want to make sure to improve the way you discover information. 

This of course includes site navigation but as you’ll see in other parts of this series, we have a few tricks up our sleeve I think you’ll like, that go beyond just navigating the site. 

TechNet 2.0 project goals also include better content quality and timeliness, and new opportunities for you to participate in the site.  I am not going to steal the thunder from all of those key areas right now. We’ll describe those more fully in future episodes of this blog series.

To learn more Check out Keith’s Post here:

  1. TechNet 2.0 – Episode 1 – Core Scenarios and Branding
  2. TechNet 2.0 – Episode 2 – The New TechCenters