Book of the Month for September 2009: On Being Brown
Good day all my fellow football and Cleveland Browns Fans! This months book is dedicated to the being a Browns fan. The book is called On Being Brown by Scott Huler. I normally try to pick books with appeal to everyone, but this month I went for something different. I get teased, in jest, more than a little for being a Browns fan. This book really explains about what it means to be a Browns fan. However, the part of the book I think most everyone can enjoy, is how did Scott become a Browns fan.
We all share a similar story that even if you do not root for the Browns, on how we first became a fan of a team. It was our relationship with our parents, and in my case my dad that lead me to being a life long Browns fan. I cannot say thank you enough, yes even when they go 4-12, to my dad for teaching me how to be a browns fan. This book does an especially great job at illustrating how a Browns fan becomes.
I know all my fellow Browns fans will enjoy the book, and if you do not root for the browns, the book has some good stories. Enjoy and…