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Social networks and saving the planet

I got the following link to Obama's campaign from a friend over the weekend and while I am not sure how true this example really is it made me think about the web is driving behavioural change in relation to the environment.

Everywhere I look environmental issues are taking centre stage across the events I attend, the analysts I talk to and the web sites I visit. It maybe all too late, or it might not change the way we behave ... or could it?

There are many names I keep hearing repeated some of which are reasonably obvious like that of Jonathan Porritt whom I remember idolising as representative of Friends of the Earth while I was a student. He's now Programme Director of Forum for the Future and Chairman of the UK Sustainable Development Commission and his blog is a must read IMO. However, the guys that have got me most interested are Rob Hopkins and Ben Brangwyn who together set up the Transition Towns which describes a model for responding to the twin challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change. Now Peak Oil is worth further exploration (excuse the pun) and if you don't know the concept then it's worth reading up on. According to wikipedea since 2006 the number of towns taking part is now at over 50 and not just limited to those in the UK. What I like is that the program encourages communities "to seek out methods for reducing energy usage as well as increasing their own self reliance" - all of which plays to the power of social networking and collective intelligence in finding real and practical ways to make a difference rather than waiting for the inevitable but lethargic response of government.
