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Yankee Group identified a sharp rise in companies' assessment of Microsoft's security level

For 3 or 4 years I’ve been telling people how Microsoft has made security and privacy the number one priority.  From this Yankee Group article (excerpt below) – it’s good to see perception change and that change based on customer experience.


 "In terms of security, The Yankee Group identified a sharp rise in companies' assessment of Microsoft's security level. On a scale of 1 to 10, companies rated Microsoft's security at 7.6, double the rating in a similar survey conducted last year. Yankee Group analyst Laura DiDio said that Microsoft's shift to a monthly security update cycle and increased efforts to combat security issues were the main drivers behind its new ratings. In addition, Survey respondents said that Windows servers recover 30 percent more quickly from security attacks than Linux servers.”


Source: Yankee Group, Laura DiDio

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