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New SharePoint 2010 Storage recommendations

We have updated our Software boundaries and limits for SharePoint 2010 with SP1 !

View the anouncement on the product group blog:

"If this new guidance is followed SharePoint can support up to 4 TB of data in
all usage scenarios and has no imposed size limit for document archive
scenarios.  The details are in the TechNet document SharePoint Server 2010
capacity management: Software boundaries and limits and the primary changes

  1. For a SharePoint content database up to 200 GB there are no special
    requirements and this limit is included for consistency.
  2. For a SharePoint content database up to 4 TB you need to additionally
    plan for the following two requirements:
    • Requires disk sub-system
      performance of 0.25 IOPS per GB, 2 IOPS per GB is recommended for optimal
    • Requires the customer to have
      plans for high availability, disaster recovery, future capacity, and performance
    • And you need to review additional
      considerations in the TechNet Boundaries and Limits
  3. For a SharePoint content database over 4TB specifically for a
    Document Archive scenario you are required to additionally plan for the
    • SharePoint sites must be based on Document Center or Records
      site templates and must be an archive scenario where less than 5% of
      content is actively read from each month and less than 1% of content is actively
      written to.
    • Do not use alerts, workflows, link fix-ups, or item level security on any
      SharePoint objects in the content database. Note: document archive content
      databases can be the recipient of documents as a result of Content Routing
  4. Other specific limits changes being made at the same time:
    • A new limit of 60million items in any one SharePoint content database
    • The specific 5 TB limit per SQL Server instance has been removed.  Instead
      you should work with a SQL Server professional to plan for database storage."