WikiWiki for Participatory Democracy
Now this is inclusive politics. IMO, WikiWiki is the most democratic social computing medium.
The Green Party of Canada goes a step beyond political blogs: They let their members work on their policies for the upcoming elections using a Wiki platform.
[via Jens Ohlig via BoingBoing]
Kudos to the Greenies. Your Wiki is outstanding. Features that merit emulation include but are certainly not limited to:
- Rank-a-Plank (user ratings of platform planks)
- Lock Glyphs
If a registered user has locked a page, a lock glyph appears to the right of the TopicTitle. - The “Living Platform“ Concept
“Parallel to the public website which displays our current platform is our Living Platform where you can jump in , suggest new ideas, edit or add to the existing planks. The Planks are here .“
For WikiWiki Junkies, this is a tiki wiki implementation.
- Anonymous
April 26, 2004
Tiki Wiki? Wasn't that the purple Tellytubby?! - Anonymous
April 26, 2004
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