SharpWiki on the Web
Chris Anderson has opened up a Windows
Longhorn WikiWiki to the world.
Bravo, Chris! (and DavidOrn)
For those of you who have followed my disjointed wiki wanderings so far (Wikis
and Accountability, WikiWiki
for the .NET docs? and SourceSafe
Wiki), you'll be interested to learn that ChrisAn's Wiki uses the same software,
SharpWiki, as our internal SourceSafe Wiki. You can expect much, MUCH more wikicraft
from me in the near future [rubbing hands together--Dr. Evil laugh].
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase, y no otorga
ningún derecho.
October 23, 2003
So when are you going to share the code for SharpWiki with the rest of us :) I currently have a wiki for personal project related info and think it would be "oh so wonderful" if I could switch over to SharpWiki!Anonymous
October 23, 2003
I'll bounce your request off David. In the meantime, check out Harry Pierson's DevHawk Wiki GDN Workspace:[]. It might not look like much right now but the DevHawk delivers. WoW this space is cool!!! It's a wonder I ever get any work done. korbyAnonymous
October 24, 2003
Korby, Thanks for the reference to the DevHawk Wiki! I'll keep my fingers crossed regarding getting the SharpWiki project up on GDN as well!Anonymous
May 13, 2006
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