Babies. Everywhere.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this: [Category: Non-Computer].
As prospective father, I'm beginning to experience the 'I-just-bought-a-Dodge-Viper-and-now-everybody's-driving-a-Dodge-Viper' phenomenon. I see pregnant ladies and babies everywhere I go! True, I can't yet differentiate between slightly overweight and two months pregnant but when I smell baby powder, I no longer look down to make sure my shoelaces are securely tied and prepare to run the other way. When I drive past a car dealership, I see only minivans. At the camping store, the KeltyKids backpacks and miniature beanie displays seem to have been moved front and center. Stores that I never before noticed--toy stores, maternity stores, consignment clothing stores for children--jump out at me from every strip mall. It's like my own personal Baby Boom. The babies are taking over!
Steve has been blogging about his experiences as a newbie father for the last three weeks. Words to laugh by:,,,, Baby Lesson #5 (my favorite)... Subscribe!
- Anonymous
June 08, 2009
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