UR14 for SCOM 2012 R2 – Step by Step
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- Anonymous
November 29, 2017
That's it? Just TLS 1.2 support? Doesn't seem to be a compelling reason to deploy UR14.- Anonymous
November 30, 2017
Since SCOM 2012R2 is no longer in mainstream support as of July 2017, it will only be security updates in most cases that you'd see anything released for a product in Extended support lifecycle phase. So for customers who need to run SCOM 2012R2 for a longer time, and are being mandated to disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1, this is a critical update. :-)- Anonymous
December 14, 2017
I've been trying to find information on the support lifecycle for SCOM 2012R2 but struggling to find any reference.Could you supply a link for the SCOM2012 R2 support lifecycle?- Anonymous
December 14, 2017
Sure - just go here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/searchSearch "operations manager 2012 R2"https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/search?alpha=operations%20manager%202012%20R2
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
November 30, 2017
The comment has been removed- Anonymous
November 30, 2017
That's really odd to me. I have asked the Product Group why they recommend that and will report back here. - Anonymous
December 06, 2017
I got confirmation - this is documentation bug and not accurate. It is being fixed now. There is no requirement to apply UR13 before UR14.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
December 22, 2017
When I setup my SCOM 2012R2 environment to use only 1.2 TLS, would it still be compatible with SCOM agents, that supports only TLS1.0? Almost 99% of all agents are setup to use 1.0 in my SCOM environment. - Anonymous
January 03, 2018
Hello Kevin,In my SCOM 2012r2 environment UR13 undated to UR14 with the help of SCCM patched cycle , would i need to Apply the SQL Scripts manually.- Anonymous
January 03, 2018
Yes, absolutely. You would need to review ALL the steps in this article. SQL scripts and management packs.You should not use SCCM to update your SCOM management servers with SCOM UR's.- Anonymous
January 04, 2018
Thank you so much Kevin , i will tack care for that.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
February 20, 2018
Hi Kevin,i faced the below error when trying to install the Operations console KBThe upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.- Anonymous
February 20, 2018
That means you don't have the console installed on this machine, or you are using the wrong version, or wrong architecture patch (amd64 vs i386)- Anonymous
February 21, 2018
Hi Kevin,I see the same error, tried installing both the KBs (i386, x64) on multiple 2012 R2 Standard servers but see the same error.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
February 27, 2018
Hello Kevin, Am just facing some issues after upgrading SCOM to UR14. Console users with Operator level of access facing long delay with State views values. State views values are taking too long time to load the requested values. But being as admin, i don't see that delay. With Admin level access there is no issue. Users are trying to access MS via jump server. We have installed console on jump server. Request your assistance if you have faced this issue.- Anonymous
February 28, 2018
I have not seen or experienced that issue with my customers.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
February 28, 2018
We have two issues we are facing with this update:1.) Some of the agent updates we ran manually required a restart. I don't know if I've ever seen this requirement. Do you know why this is occurring so that we can prepare our application teams for an expected reboot ahead of time?2.) We have a deployment of several thousand agent updates coming up after all of our environments have been updated to UR14. How can we incorporate the UR14 agent update in the deployment? We will be using bladelogic for the rollout, but don't want to have to install two separate packages.- Anonymous
February 28, 2018
The comment has been removed- Anonymous
February 28, 2018
Thank you for answering the first question, we can certainly suppress the reboot. The second question is targeted more for new deployment of agents. My question might sound dumb, and I make no claims being an expert, but why would I deploy RTM momagent.msi if I am running UR14?- Anonymous
February 28, 2018
Ahh - so now I understand.We do not have a single agent installation with a "slipstreamed" patch level. You must deploy agents, and you must patch agents. Those can be done in a single customized script, otherwise they are separate deployments.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
July 26, 2018
Afternoon, would appreciate someone chiming in here on my questions: Upgrading from UR12 to UR14 and TLS 1.2. The TLS 1.2 Deployment Guide states that we must have either ODBC 11.0 or 13.0 installed on ALL Mgmt Servers. There is no mention of any configuration needed for this. I am not a fan of installing something just to install it. There is an HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\SQL Server reg section of the mgmt server that shows "DriverODBCVer as 03.50. It is the same on all of my Mgmt Servers. My question is do I just install ODBC 11.0 on each Mgmt Server and proceed on.?Thank you!Tony- Anonymous
July 26, 2018
Q: "do I just install ODBC 11.0 on each Mgmt Server and proceed on?"A: YES.You don't install ODBC update "just to install it". It is a software prerequisite for SQL connections to be TLS 1.2 compliant.- Anonymous
July 26, 2018
Afternoon Kevin and thank you. Got it! Still learning, so many pieces and parts.Regards!Tony- Anonymous
July 26, 2018
My pleasure. Don't forget to leverage my TLS 1.2 article as well:https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/kevinholman/2018/05/06/implementing-tls-1-2-enforcement-with-scom/
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
November 13, 2018
Hello,there are Bugs in the rules for Red Hat Logical Disk.The rules which are bugged areUsed Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5)Used Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6)Used Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7)because these rules are collecting the free space in % and not used megabytes.The rule which is okay is the ruleUsed Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4)Can you help??Thanks Michael- Anonymous
November 13, 2018
Hello,there are Bugs in the rules for Red Hat Logical Disk.The rules which are bugged areUsed Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5)Used Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6)Used Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7)because these rules are collecting the free space in % and not used megabytes.The rule which is okay is the ruleUsed Megabytes (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4)Can you help??Thanks Michael
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
November 28, 2018
Hi, The Web Console update breaks the Web Console Silverlight in UR14 in windows 7 client and the certificate work arround does not work. Any thoughts ?thanksTiago - Anonymous
November 30, 2018
Worth noting here - at some point the Linux MP bundles stopped being cumulative. Or perhaps they never were. I don't know. However the current Linux MP bundle does not include dependencies for some MPs it does include. We are currently working with MSFT support to resolve this issue. However one should be cautious - since they aren't cumulative and previous versions of the bundle seem to be unavailable on the web, if you've skipped a UR and the Linux MP bundle as it came out (waiting for the next UR), you van run into issues.- Anonymous
November 30, 2018
What do you mean "not cumulative" ???The Linux MP updates are cumulative.Are you talking about the dependency issue with Microsoft.ACS.Linux.RHEL.7.mp requiring a newer version of Microsoft.ACS.Unix.Library.mp ?- Anonymous
December 06, 2018
That's correct. There are several Linux ACS MPs missing from this Linux MP update. I've been working with premier, and the package is missing the earlier versions of ACS MPs from 7.5.1060.0. It's not just the RHEL7 ACS MP, although it does have a dependency on the newer version of the Microsoft.ACS.Unix.Library.mp MP. That's simply the only one that screamed. Because we skipped 7.5.1060.0 our versions of the ACS MPs were back at 7.5.1005.0. There are still a number of these that are at 7.5.1005.0, and we're working with Premier to understand if these are the latest versions or not.HOWEVER, "cumulative" would mean that all the most recent versions of the MPs for all Linux MPs would be included in the package - it appears that is not the case, as there are several missing. If one had updated the MP previously, SCOM won't import it again. - Anonymous
December 06, 2018
Just to be completely transparent, so far we have discovered that the following MPs have newer versions in our environment which were not included in the 7.5.1070.0 package for SCOM 2012 R2:Microsoft.ACS.Linux.RHEL.4.mpMicrosoft.ACS.Linux.RHEL.5.mpMicrosoft.ACS.Linux.RHEL.6.mpMicrosoft.ACS.Linux.SLES.9.mpMicrosoft.ACS.Linux.SLES.10.mpMicrosoft.ACS.Linux.SLES.11.mpMicrosoft.ACS.Linux.Universal.mpMicrosoft.ACS.Unix.Library.mpWe're still investigating a couple of others.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous