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Javascript RichHTMLField control sharepoint Page Layouts

We are working on a Publishing portal (MOSS / Sharepoint 2007) and we had a requirement to allow the authors to enter  Rich HTML content and that can contain javascript to popup some images that appear as small images in the content or just as a link. Now out of the box the RichHTMLField control rips off all javascript that you enter, but we wanted to allow the users to enter "onclick popup the page" kind of javascript in the content so that in DISPLAY mode the Jscript function could execute.

So we came up with a simple approach to add a client side handler (i.e. Java script that will find and replace the required tags) to replace a specific TAG on our page with the actual javascript tag (as our tags were constant). Following Java Script that we have added to the Master Page in the Head tag just before the </Head> tag (Thank you Rajendra Rawat   for creating this Javascript) should help understand how to overcome the limitation:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// Add an entry to the _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames array
// so that our function will run on the pageLoad event.



function EnableLinks()
var cstIdentifier='id="ThisStringToReplace_onclick=';

// Create an array to store all the anchor elements in the page.
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");

// Loop through the anchors array.
for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++)
// Check if this anchor element contain cstIdentifier text.
if (anchors[i].outerHTML.indexOf(cstIdentifier) > 0)

// Store the HTML for this anchor element.
oldText = anchors[i].outerHTML;

//rewrite the URL to remove our test text and add a target instead
newText = oldText.replace(cstIdentifier, 'onclick="');

// Write the HTML back to the browser.
anchors[i].outerHTML = newText;


function IsInDesignMode()
if(document.getElementById("MSOLayout_InDesignMode").value == '1') return true;
if(document.getElementById("MSOTlPn_SelectedWpId").value != "") return true;
return false;


Ensure body tag in master page looks like:
<BODY scroll="yes" onload="javascript:if (typeof(_spBodyOnLoadWrapper) != 'undefined') _spBodyOnLoadWrapper();">

_spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames will come as ‘Undefined’ and code won’t execute.

And Following is the sample HTML (that you might add to the RICHHTMLFIELD):

<a href="§ionid=5160&postid=9471322#" id="ThisStringToReplace_onclick=javascript:alert('hi');" >click here</a>

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">


<td align="right"><a href="" id="ThisStringToReplace_onclick=popWindow('/foo/foo/Pages/POPUPD14C86P01.aspx','620','610')" title="月経困難症の診断と治療方針の決定"><img src="" alt="月経困難症の診断と治療方針の決定" width="230" height="204" border="0"></a></td>





<td align="left" valign="bottom">

<div class="NANZAN_popup_btn"><a href="" id="ThisStringToReplace_onclick=popWindow('/foo/foo/Pages/POPUPD14C86P01.aspx','620','610')" title="拡大">拡大</a></div>




By the way if you want to check on the client side whether the PAGE is in EDIT mode or DISPLAY Mode you can use the following:

function IsInDesignMode()
if(document.getElementById("MSOLayout_InDesignMode").value == '1') return true;
if(document.getElementById("MSOTlPn_SelectedWpId").value != "") return true;
return false;


  • Anonymous
    December 12, 2013
    Hi Ketan, I have the similar requirement where in client wants to add "jquery/javascript" in the Rich text publishing field. WIll your solution work in this case and what is the logic behind this implementation. Could you kindly explain   THanks, Amit