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IPv6 Bootcamp - Windows Server 2012 “Early Experts” Challenge - Exam 70-410

This study guide is provided as part of the Windows Server 2012 "Early Experts" Challenge and steps through the resources that I personally used when preparing for the following exam objectives on Exam 70-410, Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012:

  • Deploy and Configure Core Network Services (16%)
    • Configure IPv6 and IPv4 addressing
      • Configure IP addressing and subnetting
      • Configure interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6
      • Configure ISATAP
      • Configure Teredo

What is the Windows Server 2012 "Early Experts" Challenge?

The Windows Server 2012 "Early Experts" Challenge is a FREE online peer study group that is leveraging a set of study resources, such as this study guide, to prepare for the MCSA on Windows Server 2012 certification exams as an IT Pro community.  This study guide and the "Early Experts" Challenge are intended as post-training resources for IT Pros with significant prior experience in previous versions of Windows Server and/or IT Pros that have completed formal training on Windows Server 2012 and are preparing for certification.  Formal instructor-led training on these exam objectives is available from local Microsoft Learning partners that are delivering the following Microsoft Official Course:

Completion of this study guide satisfies one portion of the "Early Experts" Networker Quest study requirements.  Learn more about the "Early Experts" Challenge peer study group and join us online at:

Watch: IPv6 Bootcamp

Download this presentation.

Many involved with networking are declaring 2012 the year of IPv6. This presentation is focused on an introduction to IPv6 and how to start using it quickly. Topics covered include:

  • IPv6 addresses
  • Stateless and stateful auto-configuration
  • Address management
  • Planning a migration
  • Comparing and contrasting IPv6 to IPv4
  • Transition Technologies, such as Teredo and ISATAP

Study: IPv4 and IPv6 Primer Materials

Study: IPv6 Transition Technologies

Do It: Get IPv6!

Don't have IPv6 support via your ISP yet?  Download and install a FREE IPv6 Tunnel Driver for evaluation and testing on the IPv6 Internet!

Do It: Test Lab Guide – Implementing IPv6

This lab contains an introduction to IPv6 and step-by-step instructions for extending the Base Configuration test lab to demonstrate IPv6 functionality and connectivity in Windows client and server operating systems.  Note that this lab guide is based on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, but the included steps are still relevant for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8.

  • Build Your Lab: Download Windows Server 2012 and build your study lab environment.
    Note:  The step-by-step labs below involve the configuration of multiple client and server machines.  If you are using a single lab machine, you will want to install and configure the Hyper-V role so that you can build each machine as a separate Virtual Machine.  If you are not familiar with Hyper-V, be sure to check out our "Early Experts" Virtualizer Quest for guidance.
  • Test Lab Guide – Implementing IPv6 

(Optional) Do It: How Do I Configure an IPv6 Router?

Everyone always asks me - what does a basic IPv6 router configuration look like? Configuring a basic IPv6 router is really easy - it involves turning on IPv6 routing and assigning an IPv6 address to each router interface.  In addition, you will need to ensure that IPv6 router advertisements are enabled so that clients using auto-configuration will receive the appropriate IPv6 network prefix information for the link to which they are connected.  Below, is a sample IPv6 router configuration from one of the Cisco routers in my lab environment.  This configuration also enables the router to act as a DHCPv6 server to lease out DNS server and DNS domain name information, but this could also be easily accommodated using the new DHCPv6 support in Windows Server 2012.

KEMLABR1# conf t
KEMLABR1(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
KEMLABR1(config)# ipv6 dhcp pool DHCP_POOL
KEMLABR1(config-dhcp)# dns-server 2001:db8::100
KEMLABR1(config-dhcp)# domain-name
KEMLABR1(config)# int fa0/0
KEMLABR1(config-if)# no shut
KEMLABR1(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:db8::/64 eui-64
KEMLABR1(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8::/64
KEMLABR1(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp server DHCP_POOL
KEMLABR1(config-if)# ipv6 nd other-config-flag
KEMLABR1(config-if)# no ipv6 nd suppress-ra

Note that in the configuration above, I needed to specifically enable IPv6 router advertisements using the "no ipv6 nd suppress-ra" configuration command.  In addition, I used the "ipv6 nd other-config-flag" configuration command to include the "Other" flag in my router advertisements so that clients would be informed to contact a DHCPv6 server for other IPv6 configuration options, such as DNS server IP address and DNS domain name in this example.

Need more background or depth on IPv6?  Check-out these additional resources - well worth the read!

  • ARIN IPv6 Wiki
  • Microsoft Press: Understanding IPv6, 3rd Edition
    Get in-depth technical information to put IPv6 technology to work—including networks with hardware running Windows 8 and Windows Server® 2012. Written by a networking expert, this reference explains IPv6 features and benefits, and provides detailed information to help you implement this protocol. You’ll learn best practices for using IPv6 services in your Windows network, whether you’re an IT professional, a network administrator, or an IT student.

What's Next?

After you've completing this study guide, complete the other study guides in the Windows Server 2012 "Early Experts" Networker Quest to receive your personalized "Early Experts – Networker" completion certification, suitable for framing and sharing online!

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