IT Pro Interviewing - Level 100
Once upon a time ago, Kai Axford an I were interviewing candidates for the Third Amigo. Kai and I looked down at the resume for the next person and it had Matt Hester's name on it. I looked at Kai and we both rolled our eyes. We knew disaster was about to strike. But we decided to give Matt a shot at joining the crew. We had high standards, at least at that point.
Matt was already in a interview room along the hallway with other finalist candidates. Kai and I walked in and shook Matt’s hand. We all sat down and got comfortable.
Microsoft has a reputation and history of having some interesting interview techniques. Problem solving skills are tested. Open ended questions might be asked. I dropped a bomb on Matt to see how he’d react. I said, “Matt, you know those interviews where they ask lots of questions with no particular right or wrong answer?” Matt answered, “Yes.” I replied back, “This is not one of those interviews.”
Matt kept his composure and didn’t wet himself. Matt, Kai and I joke about that interview off and on with nothing but affection for Matt. Grin. I couldn’t help but think of it when I watched the following.
In Matt Hester’s honor…
August 25, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
August 25, 2010
Hilarious videoAnonymous
August 25, 2010
My interview with Kai was worse. It was either get past him or I'm homeless.Anonymous
August 26, 2010
All I have to say is, A: I got the job and B: OH... Go Buckeyes!