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Web professional? Join our new Microsoft Webcafe on November 25th

Register for our new informal get-together for web professionals on November 25th 2010 in the Palm Brewery, in Steenhuffel.


What is Microsoft Webcafe?

Microsoft Webcafe is a new informal get-together for web and user experience professionals after work hours. The goal is to present a mix of news around Microsoft web related topics and give the opportunity for partners to present a project themselves.

Sessions are aimed to be short and to the point (10 - 15 minutes per topic), allowing for very different subjects to be covered in one evening.

What can you expect during the first event?

During the first event we have chosen an applicable location: the Palm Brewery where you will get a guided tour before the start of the sessions.

Microsoft will bring an update on web technologies and programs, after which four of our partners will bring cases. These include: PurePlexity,, Aaltra and Brainlane showcasing several technology implementations. To give you an idea: Smooth Streaming with Silverlight, cloud and Azure and rich applications. To get the details you’ll have to join us!

Hope to see you next week. It’s informal, it’s free.