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Junfeng Zhang's Musing

things about the world, world of things

RuntimeEnvironment class

This is the first time I know this class exists. It has all the interesting properties about CLR,...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/11/2004

Killing each other

SQL reliability requires CLR to fail gracefully in asynchronous exception case, like...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/05/2004

Assemblies, load context

David Levine asks me how to tell which load context an assembly is in. To my best knowledge, this...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/05/2004

hh ntcmds.chm

So we have a new hire, just graduated from grad school. Since he only uses *nix in school. He is...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/04/2004

How to tell if a DLL is 64 bit or 32 bit

There are those little things, they are so trivial, but you just can't find the right API to do it....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/04/2004

Assembly listing Tool

So my submission in sample finally gets approved. Here is the link to download it....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/28/2004

Console unicode output

Eric Lippert discussed how Windows Script Host output unicode in console for NT based OSes here. Of...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/25/2004


I really hate applications doing thing on my back. That is why I rename %ProgramFiles%\Common...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/24/2004

Moving from Win32 to .Net

One of the biggest difference in Win32 and .Net is probing. In Win32 (and *nix), OS loader looks for...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/24/2004

Performance: One big assembly vs several small assemblies.

I frequently see people ask the same question in microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.clr and...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/23/2004

Chris Brumme discusses Finalization

We had a rather heated internal disccusion about managed code reliability, and one of discussion is...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/21/2004

Cost of calling unmanaged code from managed C++

Question and answers about cost of calling unmanaged code from managed C++. From: Subject: RE: Cost...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/21/2004

Alan discussed Unification Policy

Alan discussed unification policy at his latest blog. As usual he puts a lot of though in his blog....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/21/2004

new MSN Explorer

Did you use the new MSN explorer? It is definitely one of the most beautiful softwares I have ever...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/20/2004

How "safe" (from a best practice and supportability perspective) is the use of DLL injection techniques?

Another question in internal discussion. Here is one reply: From: Subject: RE: DLL Injection DLL...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/20/2004

Why recursive directory copy does not exist, and why it should not.

This question comes up in internal discussion from time to time. The reason is, the semantics of...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/20/2004

Microsoft Virtual Server 2004 begins beta test

I don't work in VirtualPC team but I use their product almost everyday and I love it. So I think I...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/19/2004

Fun stuff with ?

This comes up in an internal discussion about MAX_PATH limit. People do mention that the core file...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/18/2004

How is lock keyword of C# implemented?

This question is asked in an internal discussion. And here is the answer from CLR team. From:...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/18/2004

File Not Found vs Network Path not found

So the other day I received an email from a colleague. He had an assembly load failure. And the...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/16/2004

Windows XP and ClearType

I have LCD at home, and I turn on ClearType from Control...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/15/2004

Fusion binding log and fuslogvw.exe

Suzanne blogs again! This time, she is helping you on diagnose MissingMethodException. Of course,...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/14/2004

FileVersion and GAC

Every assembly has an identity, which includes name, version, culture, and public key/token. Also...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/14/2004

foo.exe and foo.dll

So that I got a complain today about foo.exe and foo.dll. The whole story is like this: The tester...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/13/2004

AppDomainSetup explained

AppDomainSetup is a properties bag. It stores various properties that affects binding decision in an...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/10/2004

Return to fusion land

After much deviation, finally I returned to fusion land. Hope you enjoy it.

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/09/2004

AppDomain and Shadow Copy

.Net Framework has a feature called Shadow Copy. When shadow copy is enabled on an appdomain,...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/09/2004

WritePrivateProfileString and AnitVirus

Another shocking discovery. WritePrivateProfileString hangs because AntiVirus is accessing the ini...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/08/2004

vim and Windows Server 2003

I am a vim user. If you use vim under Windows Server 2003, you may find this useful. vim6.2 has a...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/08/2004

How to make an application as both GUI and Console application?

This is another common asked question. But it is a Win32 question. In Windows GUI applications and...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/06/2004

How to tell if an assembly is delay signed or not.

.Net framework has a great feature called delay signing. Every strongly named assembly has a public...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/06/2004

New categories

I guess my category management is really horrible. Most of my posts are listed in others. Others is...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/06/2004

Longest Java Class Name I wonder if someone has time to the same analysis on...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/06/2004

How to tell if some file is managed assembly or not?

Another commonly asked question. There are many ways to detect if a given file is a managed assembly...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/06/2004


Learned a hard lesson. Contention between GetPrivateProfileString and WritePrivateProfileString may...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/06/2004

How to detect .Net Framework installed in a web client?

In my last post I talked about how to detect .Net framework installed in your local machine. This is...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/05/2004

How to detect .Net framework installed or not.

This is another frequently asked question. If you search google how to detect .Net Framework,...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/05/2004

Very long assembly name

Speaking of file name inspired me to write another post about assembly name. Windows supports long...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/05/2004

User friendly file name

There was an interesting discussion not long ago. People complain file names are just too user...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/05/2004

Where is .Net framework installed?

This is another often-asked question. As of today, there is no managed answer....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/05/2004

How to get thread id for a managed thread?

This question comes up from time to time. The answer is, there is no explicit numeric thread id for...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/03/2004

How to create circularly referenced assemblies

In .Net framework System.dll and System.Xml.dll reference each other. How is it possible? Circularly...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/01/2004

Microsoft.Net Framework 1.1 setup has ended prematurely

This trick may have shown up somewhere else. But I still see people asking the same question. So...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/31/2004

Name of your-app.exe

MSDN says your assembly's file name should be assembly's simple name, plus .dll/.exe. The reason is...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/29/2004

Binding Context and LoadFrom

Suzanne has a discussion about binding context here. A binding context is really just a loaded...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/29/2004

Binding Policy

Alan has a great write-up about assembly binding policy. I'll copy a paragraph to avoid duplicate...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/29/2004

Partial name binding

MSDN documents how the runtime locates assemblies here. The probing logic is implemented in fusion....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/29/2004

Hello, World

Hi there, My name is Junfeng Zhang and I work in fusion team under AlanShi. Before I joined...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/28/2004

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